Fences and Commercial Property

Fences are an essential aspect of any commercial property, providing security and privacy to the building and its occupants. Fences can also enhance the overall appearance of the property and increase its value. In this blog, we will explore the importance of fences around commercial buildings like industrial, retail, apartments, and lofts, and provide free tips from a local fence expert, Longview Fence Company, on installation and maintenance.

Importance of Fences Around Commercial Buildings

Security and Privacy: Fences provide an added layer of security to commercial properties, deterring potential intruders and burglars. They also allow some level of security against theft from those same intruders and burglars. Fences can offer privacy to the occupants of the building, preventing unwanted attention from passersby, and allowing the tenants to really enjoy their outside time without feeling like a zoo exhibit. In turn, this can reduce insurance costs if the fences are security types.

Boundary Definition: Fences help to define the boundaries of the property, ensuring that people do not accidentally encroach on the property. This is especially important for retail properties that need to maintain a clear distinction between their property and that of neighboring businesses. This may also have a positive effect on insurance costs.

Safety: Fences can also provide a safety barrier for commercial properties, preventing people from accidentally wandering into restricted areas or construction zones. Fences can also protect children and pets from wandering onto busy roads or other dangerous areas. This too may help with insurance premiums.

Enhanced Aesthetics: Fences can enhance the overall appearance of commercial properties, making them more visually appealing and professional. Well-designed fences can also attract potential customers or tenants, increasing the property’s value. Tenants love the idea of having a partitioned space to enjoy the sun.

Tips for Fence Installation and Maintenance

Choose the Right Material: The material of the fence plays a crucial role in its durability and maintenance requirements. It’s important to choose a material that is suited to the property’s location and climate. For example, in areas with high humidity and rainfall, a material like vinyl or aluminum may be more suitable than wood. You must also keep the goal of the fence in mind when selecting the material. For example, a chain-link fence won’t work in a situation where one of the main reasons for installing a fence is privacy.

Proper Installation: Proper installation is key to ensuring that the fence lasts as long as possible. It’s important to hire a professional fence company like Longview Fence Company to ensure that the fence is installed correctly and meets local building codes and regulations. Fences that are not installed properly will need more maintenance and repairs, and ultimately, they’ll need to be replaced much sooner. Hire a professional with experience the first time, and get it done right.

Regular Maintenance: Regular maintenance is essential for extending the lifespan of the fence. This includes cleaning the fence regularly, treating any rust or corrosion, and fixing any damage or wear and tear.


Fences are an essential aspect of any commercial property, providing security, privacy, boundary definition, safety, and enhanced aesthetics. Proper installation and regular maintenance are key to ensuring that the fence lasts as long as possible and continues to provide these benefits. If you’re considering installing a fence around your commercial property, be sure to contact a professional fence company like Longview Fence Company for expert advice and installation services.